
Select Cuisine Blackcurrant fruit preserves 280g

Select Cuisine Blackcurrant fruit preserves 280g Exquisite range of sweetened products to add a select touch to your dishes and desserts. Give a touch of class to your dishes!

No preservatives or colourings.

Refrigerate after opening

3.20 2.56

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Payment by credit card, Paypal or BIZUM. Cash on delivery is not accepted. FREE DELIVERY Orders over 25€ mainland Spain.

Shipping cost Peninsula€2.99 (Delivery in 24/48 hours) (Free shipping for orders over €25)
Shipping cost Balearic Islands – €5.99 (Delivery in 72 hours)
Shipping cost Canary Islands – €8.99 (Delivery in 72 hours)

Nutritional information (per 100g)

Energy value

876 Kj, 206 kcal


0 g


51 g


51 g


0,4 g


0 g


Blackcurrant, sugar, water, gelling agent: citrus pectin.

Our jams are the result of our know-how.

We respect the ingredients and the traditional way of doing things.

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